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Baphijmm's Recent Entries


by Baphijmm

There are a lot of things frustrating me about this whole hypnosis thing right now. Part of it is that I'm quite tired, but not sleeping at all, which is why I'm writing this. If it doesn't make any sense, that's why also.

I keep hearing that smart people are more susceptible to trance and hypnosis and such, and I think this is a load of crock. Sure, people who worked to become smart, developing good study skills early because it was necessary, would probably be more susceptible; I can see that. But those of us who never had to struggle or study or anything like that because we learned it rather quickly, we're quite intelligent, yet don't know how to study well at all, and can't seem to get a grasp on this. Honestly, I don't think I've ever really gone into trance.

This is compounded by the events of today; many thanks to Axiom for the help in re-writing the script for the TrigBodySlave to better aid its trigger absorption, by the way. Anyway, so I record myself reading the script, edit the file so it doesn't sound like me, and make it a binaural (this meant doing a lot of research on the subject in a short time), only to not even get close to trance all evening.

Of course, there aren't any hypnotists anywhere near here that could help me at least see if I'm anywhere near where I should be.

So yeah, just really wanted to vent. I'm sure there was more, but it's early morning, I've not gotten any sleep yet, and my memory is constantly shot anyway.

I'm starting to think I'm the only person on Earth who cannot be hypnotized. Seriously.


- MN_FriendlyGuy

Online journals...

We capture our thoughts, hopes, dreams and fears.

We document our progress and our frustration.

Annonymous readers come and go, rarely leaving a comment.

And when they DO leave a comment -

there's a momentary rush of pleasure and curiosity.

As we wonder who.

and what.

and why.

The distress you wrote about this morning will pass.

Be patient with yourself; aware that many frustrations are born from fatigue and loneliness.

Go back to your historic journal entries.

As much as I hope to be an encouragement to you as a BODY SLAVE,
your own words are more powerful.

- You have the motivation
- You're willing to go into trance

And tomorrow or the day after (or even a week from now), when you're rested and calm, you won't have to think about going into trance.

It'll just happen.

Every night, the process of falling asleep includes a step where you to cross briefly into trance.

It's so easy.

To fall asleep, we simply go to a safe place, make ourselves comfortable, close our eyes, and let go.

And tomorrow

or the day after

or even a week from now,

when you're rested and calm, you'll simply go to a safe place, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and let go.

- Baphijmm

Problem there is, whenever I get close to trance, I fall asleep and wake up long after the file has already ended.

- MN_FriendlyGuy

Is it possible you REALLY need to begin working with a hypnotist?

I have the perception (perhaps incorrectly) that you've become comfortable with the file and that its predictability no longer challenges you.

Even though there is no hypnotist nearby to you, perhaps a web session is possible (Skype.com, for example)

- Baphijmm

That's entirely possible; if it were the case that there was a hypnotist nearby, I would certainly be doing all I could to arrange something. As is, I've just contacted a group in Albuquerque (about 80 miles north) about a possible test simply to see if it's even possible for me to go into trance. As for the file, I don't know that that's the case; it kind of doesn't matter if I'm not even getting to the state of trance necessary for the file to even attempt to do anything. I'd try Skype, except for a lot of different problems - I run Linux on a horrible computer with a less-than-reliable mic, in an apartment with literally paper-thin walls; I'd have to be lying down (my chair doesn't have a back half-way up mine, and I'm much more alert anyway when seated), which would mean moving either the speakers of my computer around a ton of wires to position them next to my bed or moving an article of furniture to position myself to be able to use my headphones, neither of which allowing me use of a keyboard or mic anyway. :/

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