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PSA and Induction.

by Baphijmm

I would just like to say that, just because my experience of the world conflicts with your own, doesn't mean that I'm lying, or saying shit just to throw you off. I understand my experience is different; I wish others would, too.

I have lucid dreams regularly. I have difficulty remembering events completely, though given a "trigger" I can remember every aspect of that event individually (Example: If I'm in the same place "event" occurred in, or if something else happens similar to "event"); it is not something I can do readily. My memory really is that shot. I have a hard time thinking the way most people seem to. In a crowded room full of people, I'll remember only the conversation I'm actively in, which is why the "letting your mind wander" aspect of trance doesn't work for me - I see it as the same principle.

I know this particular occurrence happened two days ago, but it still pisses me off, so I thought I'd go ahead and make my warning here.

In other news, I've been given an example of how to possibly overwhelm myself into trance; I might actually make up a file for a similar induction I found a while ago, and if convinced to, I might even post it to the site. If I get around to finding the script again, and if it's any good.


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