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My silent comment to a reply

by MisterWiccan

I was reading a reply by MN_FriendlyGuy, where he had recommended starting slowly by using an induction, and had said to continue using that induction until you could go into trance very easily. I could not agree more! It's been a long time since I have been here, but when I was first here, I had started with the plain induction file and used only it. I used it for a long time in fact, and coming back to the site now, I still trance easily. I have not yet listened to any new files from the last post, but I did download and read the script to Curse Tattooed and at the risk of embarrassing myself, the lines about becoming more self confident and ridding yourself of shyness and social phobias are right down my alley. Ok I was right, that was mildly embarrassing, perhaps even moderately so. I did get a chance to listen to MusclePig again though, and I tranced better to it this time, it was a lot like sleeping, but only I remember repeating some things in my mind, and I "woke up" for the count as well. I am going to force myself to do as the description for MusclePig II says and master all the triggers from the first before including the second one. -Good things come to those who wait- I want to start listening to Increased Metabolism also. I will preview Penis Growth 2 tomorrow probably and I'll see where I'll go from there, but I know I want to listen to Increased Metabolism. OK so maybe it'll be the NEXT entry where I get more into my current fitness level. Yes, the next one it is.


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