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tsd's Recent Entries

almost a month on....

by tsd

and very little has happened. I've been mostly offline due to pc problems. these are now hopefully fixed so i can get back to a bit more of my journey in this world... after ive caught up in the forums and all that. been looking through a little today, and noticed that someone whom i had contact with a while ago has returned. that make me quite hesitant... to be honest. we were going to meet up to maybe do some rl hypnosis... this didnt happen and then his wife (bearing in mind myself and my husband were looking forwards to his arrival) contacted me first posing as him, and then was really quite horrible to me. i wasn't happy... nearly gave the whole thing up... so with a little fear and trepidation i continue, knowing that it doesnt make for the best mindset.... ack... moeer than anything right now id just like to be able to use hypnosis in a purely vanilla sense to chill out and destress a little... :S


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