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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Another Break

by tyd_up

Around three weeks ago I had a bad toothache. It kept me up until 5 am. I tried to use a Mindwarp file to relax but it didn't work, all I could think about was the pain. Eventually the absess moved from my jaw into my gum and the pain eased. I thought that I could go to sleep if I could jack off first but I was still locked up.

I ended up cutting off the CB-3000 and stopped wearing it for some time. I still cuffed myself at night but did little other bondage. I was out of town for a few days and couldn't lock myself up.

Since then I've only had a chance to listen to my file twice - once last week and once today. As always, I have no idea if I was actually in a trance or just asleep. Both times I woke up as soon as the MP3 ended so maybe I was in a trance.

As soon as I got back home after our trip and before I listened to my file today I locked my CB-3000 back on. This morning I locked my cuffs to the bedpost.

It seems like this was just another break. Circumstances came up but as soon as they were over, my compulsions are back stronger than ever.


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