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perryfletcher's Recent Entries

The begining

by perryfletcher

I have started the hypnosis process and have been trying trying out the cursecorset, curseplugs, escatcyofaganoy, pleasurepunishment, and the shower scripts. I have been having a hard time getting into a deep trace I am able to stay in trance( I kind of go to sleep and don't rember what was said) for a min. or so then I come back to. The other night although I was listining to the cursecorset file and just blacked out and all I rember hearing was now your awake but nothing happened when I awoke. I have been telling you about what has not happened but let me tell you what has happened. Everytime I listen to the cursecorset file and pay attention to what is said everythime he starts talking about the corset I fell my ribs and stomach get sucked in and I have a hard time breathing but when he stops talking about it the feeling stops and on some occasions when he starts talking about the heels my feet start pointing downward some times so far it feels like a cramp in both of my feet right in the archs. Just this morning I was listing to the curseplugs file and did not notice anything happen but after awhile I started feeling a little sensation nothing to brag about though sorry about this discription but it kind of feels like the old saying of having a turtle head poking out. Sorry about that gross discription but it's the best way I can think of to describe it. Its not constant it just comes and goes if i concentrate on it i can slightly feel it if i dont think about it i dont notice it. Some times I just wonder if I dont feel it but just want to so bad that I just imagen it. Well thats about all I can tell you for now but I will be updating reguraly. I want to get the most out of it. Please comment with any questions or advice and I will be glad to tell you more as it comes to me. Sorry for the spelling and I wish so bad that someone would create 2 free files. One of being in total latex from head to toe and one of a steel chastity belt with plugs. Who knows maby someone will get them out there.


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