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tyd_up's Recent Entries


by tyd_up

Everything is working. For TrainHypnoLoss, I don't know if I listened to my file yesterday or not. I don't think that I did but there is a gap in my day I can't account for. I think I listened to it today. I've always thought that the memory-loss aspects of hypnosis were pretty neat but it is different when it actually happens. It's a little scary knowing that I might have done something and not know it. I've also been listening to CursePunishmentPlugs. I've used this before and felt a mild tingling reminiscent of a butt plug. This time I really feel a plug, at least part of the time. Today it hurt. I wasn't expecting that. I keep listening anyway - probably because the curse makes me. Plus I'm still tying myself up a lot. With all of these successes, I'm thinking of adding another file but I want to choose one that will not mess me up much more.


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