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I recorded the induction myself this time...

by Draygone

...and this time, I decided to give myself three commands to follow. The first was to act as though I've painfully turned into an animal and be stuck that way for the rest of the night. The second was to forget the contents of a video game. The third was to make myself super-succeptable. Well, as it turns out, I didn't konk out before the end of the induction. I was more-or-less awake for the first command, although my mind was wandered off for some of it. Naturally, it didn't work, and I was able to act completley normal. But I figure I might as well act as though it did work, in hopes that it would help the other two commands take effect. Last time I walk on all fours, though. Very uncomfortable and very exhausting. I gave up on the idea before I went to sleep.

The second command doesn't seem to have worked, either, despite me being more out during that portion. I wish it did work, though. I've played that game so often, there's no difficulty in it anymore, no surprise, or anything.

The third command, I believe I was out for the entire duration, as one moment I'm hearing the contents of the second command and the next I'm hearing "and now, now it is time to wake up". It was supposed to make my subconcious trust all the hypnosis files I listen to. I listened to the furry companion file about a half-hour later. I don't think it worked, because I didn't dream about my avatar like the file told me to. Although I did say that after listening to it, it would only take a few more days before it would work enough for me to move on to the second half of the companion series.

I completely forgot my original intention to the third command. It was supposed to not only allow my mind to trust hypnosis files, but it was supposed to make me trust them, believing that they'd work 100%, leaving no doubt. I'm not sure if that would've actually helped any, but it would've been worth a shot. Oh well, I'm not gonna listen to that file again (darn four-legged transformation), and I don't feel like re-recording it.


- liljonny

This is a test to see if comments are working. If it was an actual comment, you would have gone into trance (just kidding).

- Draygone

You know, I kinda actually almost wish that were the case.

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