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An experiment...wish me luck!

by MisterWiccan

Now that things appear to be straightening out a bit (keeping my fingers crossed here) I am going to be trying to get a file or two to work on a higher level. What I am going to do is this: I have downloaded Train Hypno Loss as well as the subliminal and binaural versions, and will couple it with a specific file (if it works well I will expand it carefully) and if everything works well then this may be my only record of listening to the files..I am trying to put it into my mind that I must post here about results, so, as far as my theory goes if I get the results I hope to eventually get I may be posting here about results only and not be able to say "these results are from this file" so if everything goes well please excuse odd sounding entries. I will post again right as I am about to listen and I will say in that entry what file I have chosen. The two files I am looking at most heavily are MusclePig I and a copy of Train BodyBuilder I recovered from my old computer, though the file chosen may not be either of these as I am still undecided. I expect to listen this afternoon.


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