
dai 12 - neew up datez bros

by sarka

yo bros sorrie i havent up date late lee i ben listn to my hyp jock stuf annywayz if any ting i feel mor dummer avter usin a trane renforc hypno mp3 i did bye sum sports close and im waring sum stuf noww i warin my adisas shir an sum coo shorts i al so by sum box er shorts i al so joind a gym cuz i ned 2 wurk owt and sta n goo d shape i al so joned a fiw newwsleeters fur my fav teamz i rely luv sports nnow and it b al tat madders 2 me thank u i wil b lisening 2 the hypno mp3 4 the res of the wile i can i wil ^dat u l8ter bye bros


- MindManipulator

could you, you know stop typing like that? or at lest try to be better at grammar

- bubblebutt

The files must have been extremely effective if they changed your perfect grammar to a mess of letters in only two weeks.

- sarka

ya it wuz vry efectv i didnt ntice untl i wuz righnin ma emils.

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