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Scaling down.

by Draygone

I think I'm going to stop listening to most of the files I have been, and start listening only to the assistant file. I really want that one to work, and I'm hoping that focusing only on it will help a lot. If nothing else, maybe I'll take its script and record it myself. I'm sure my mind finds myself more trustworthy than other people.

Unfortunately, this means that, despite having just finished my version of my transformation file, I will not be able to try it out and see how well it works. I can only hope that everyone else who uses it will have promising results. But the assistant files are way too important right now.

I may listen to the TrainSleepReinforce file, though. I've been listening to it longer than any other file here, so it might already be working. Plus it might go well with the assistant file, since they both involve dreaming. At the same time, it might be counter-productive since it is yet another training file and my focus may have to be split between the two files. I dunno, yet.


- bubblebutt

Wow... thats exactly what I did a few days ago. I cleared away everything but the assistant file because if I can get one file to work, I would want it to be that one not only because its an interesting file but because its practical as well.

- Draygone

Which makes it doubly good. Make sure to let us know how it works out for you. Me, the moment I start dreaming about my avatar is the moment I attempt to throw a party.

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