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Success! Maybe.

by Draygone

As the first assistant file requires, I dreamed about having an avatar last night. The problem is, I can't remember the dream (which is a big no-no), except for one important detail: it wasn't the right avatar.

No idea who that avatar was. I don't think it was one of my characers. But it makes me wonder if this was just some random coincidental dream. Or, if this really is the start of my dreaming of my avatar, I wonder if the drempt avatar was random simply because I went out before the file told me to imagine her. Kinda hard to do that if you're not concious. Here I was hoping that the fact it was really late would help with my succeptability to the file. Well, maybe it did. Guess I'll find out within the next couple nights.


- bubblebutt

I noticed something like this too. I would forget the dream but I would remember small parts about it. I remember having a conversation with someone in my dream about my assistant and the file but not actually seeing them.

- Draygone

Ah, well thats a little bit more promising. I dont remember having an assistant dream tonight, but the fact that somebody else had an "almost assistant dream" tells me that it might have been the file after all.

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