Compulsionby tyd_upI don't remember any details of my file but I now that it makes me want to be tied up. I'm ok with this - I've always liked bondage which is probably why this one works so well on me. Something happened last night that makes me wonder just how strong my need for bondage will be.
I was going to cuff my ankles and wrists behind my back. I was getting ready to do this when I felt that I had to go further. I had to lock myself in my pillory. I've done this a lot but I didn't particularly want to do it last night. It didn't matter. It was something I just had to do, even though I didn't want to. I use an ice cube as a timer and I always choose a small one or melt one down. I had trouble with this. I wanted a small cube so that I wouldn't be locked up too long but I couldn't do it. I ended up with one that kept me locked up around 15-20 minutes when 5-10 would have been fine.