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piece_of_heavn's Recent Entries

File Use

by piece_of_heavn

This is a new go for me, I dont usually blog my results for the files. I've downloaded and used several of the files from emg. I put about 12 of them on cds to listen to at night. For me, listening to files while I sleep seems to work best. This has become more evident to me the more I listen to the files. I started listening to the curseplug. That's the one where you feel constantly plugged and vibrated and pulsated [god just writing about it, I can feel it]. I notice it right after I listen to the file, but then the sensation goes away after a few hours. Even tho its supposed to be a curse, I dont consider it one. I've always had a high sex drive, and I like that it keeps me almost perpetually horny. I guess in some ways its good that the feeling goes away, because of work and family distractions.


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