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slavekaye's Recent Entries

humiliated & afraid

by slavekaye

I can't begin to describe how ashamed and humiliated I feel after Master ordered me to post that candid photograph he'd taken of my most intimate and private area. This comes after the humiliation I felt in June when my clit piercing got infected and I had to be rushed to A&E to have it removed and a less than sympathetic doctor told me that I could have lost my clit if I'd waited any longer, his was while I was sat in birthing styrups brought from the gynocology unit to show the room what only my Master normally got to see. Now to compound that shame, Master wants to really humiliate me and make me feel worthless and cheap by ordering me to post that picture. He thinks that doing so will free me of my nervousness at being nude around the house, but how can I tell him the pain and humiliation I feel? It's not giving me the secret thrill he thinks it will, it just makes me feel dirty and confused. Why would he make me do this? I've proved my love over the years, he made me enjoy sucking cock, something I never liked before, but this is so different. I just feel like an object, something to be shown off like his precious car or his Cuban cigars. I don't feel loved anymore, it's not fun anymore, I'm afraid he's going to make me post pictures of him having me next. I don't think I could bear the humiliation of revealing images of me at my most private and intimate ...


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