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Trying again

by Wahl000

I listened to TrigChastity1 a few times in the last couple of days. I triggered myself last night for one day as a short test. I was unable to sustain an erection and definitely not cum. There was a pronounced burning on my balls. It wasn't really painful but it is stronger than before. (Actually, I'm feeling it a but as I write this) I did not wake up this morning with my usual hard-on, a sure sign it works. I wonder if it controls my sleeping thoughts too? The last time I listened, I turned off the player without listening to the awakening. I immediately had an urge to send EMG a cash gift, which I did. EMG assured me via PM that there was nothing in the file that would cause me to do that. I guess I'm just rewarding EMG for my success. I continue to benefit from the effects of Curse Samson. After a month of listening I'm still growing my hair and have lost completely my obsession with short hair and head shaving. Blink's good boy continues to work well. (Thank You) I trigger myself when appropriate. I did hear 'good boy' on the radio the other day, that triggered me too. Luckily the effect is socially acceptable! LOL Interestingly the trigger 'bad boy' doesn't always work. Sometimes I use it when I find myself doing something bad, my subconscious knows the difference between DOING something bad and STOPPING myself from doing something bad. For example eating a cream puff is bad and BB works. It won't work if I pick up a cream puff but put it down before I munch. I guess my subconscious sees that as a good thing. Bad Boy certainly amplifies the effects of TrigChastity1, and that's a good thing!


- MindManipulator

you should post more on your progress

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