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slavekaye's Recent Entries


by slavekaye

Master gave me my present, he's told me to get a full hysterectomy privatley and he will pay for it. He wants to have my pussy available to him 24/7/365 asap. I've always wanted kids but Master must come first. The only possible good will be not missing the cramps and I guess if he wants sex more often then it's a bonus. It could have been worse I suppose, he did ask me how I felt about over-sized breasts. I told him to strap bowling balls to his chest for a year and then ask me. Just trying to stay positive and obedient. I love him with all my heart and I trust him to decide what's best for me, it's just a big step. Maybe I'll get used to in once it's done...


- SeraAngel

Look A suggestion, if your really thinking about kids just hold on the operation, because later in life you might regret it.

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