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iamatestsubjectofme's Recent Entries


by iamatestsubjectofme

Due to work related shit there is a possibility I will disappear for a week or more without notice. I am trying to get out of it, but so far have been unsuccessful, just a heads up that if the testsubject seemingly drops off the map..I shall come back. The problem stems around a patient who not many people in the agency know much about or how to deal with, but this patient happens to be suffering from something with which I have a lot of experience..so even though I am usually put on males who I fit the height and weight req's for I am now having to double up..I shall say no more on this. I am trying to add a file to my listening rotation: Increase IQ (with a specific set of effects I added) and have so far listened to it two times, but I am having so much success with the MusclePig series that I am going forward carefully.. I listened to MusclePig I last night when I had gotten home from work, I was worn out and rather exhausted and fell quickly into that strange dreamless sleep I spoke of except this felt different, deeper, I woke up right as the number four was spoken and found myself stretching as the number five was said. I then turned my MP3 player off removed my headphones and fell quickly to sleep. My next workout is due Friday, and it shall be another test of the pleasure trigger, the previous one was quite a success and I found that it drove me into the next set with quite an intensity. For now I must go. as always, be well WMM.


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