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iamatestsubjectofme's Recent Entries

MusclePig II

by iamatestsubjectofme

just time for a quick note today. I listened to MusclePig II last night, once again it was after arriving home from work, and before going to sleep. I listened to the binaural version. Instead of falling into the dreamless sleep I was aware of the whole file, but after listening to the file my memory of most of it has now faded. I now recall the countdown, until the number 8 was spoken, sometime shortly after 8 my awareness slipped a little, so that I could hear what was being spoken, but looking back on it, it now seems strange in that my conscious mind can make out nothing other than that number: 8.. I do recall that I was analyzing the words on some level searching them out for anything contrary to how I wish to be...Then I remember the number: 4 and my eyes opened, then the number: 5 and I stretched a bit, once more turning off my mp3 player and going to sleep. I will have to analyze this file outside of trance that I may better realize the perfect time to resume listening to the third installment.. For now, WMM, there are things I must do so once more, be well..


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