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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Complicating Things

by tyd_up

TrainHypnoLoss has been pretty effective. I never remember what is in my file. Yesterday I do remember listening to my file and in the back of my mind I thought, "I'm not deep enough, I'll remember this." But it was gone as soon as I woke up. All I can remember is what I was thinking. Often I'm not sure if I was awake or not, just like HypnoLoss says. The exception to this is that I still know what my file does, at least in general terms. While listening to HypnoLoss today I decided that I would remember listening to a different file instead, a curse that I have played with before. I'm thinking of forcing the issue a bit on this and using Hypnoloss with both my file and the curse. If it works I will never be sure which file I listened to. This raises a couple of questions. If I think I listened to a curse, will it become more effective? If I use HypnoLoss and really curse myself, will I know to buy the file to lift the curse from EMG? One factor in my favor is that the curse is uncomfortable but not otherwise a problem. It doesn't cause behavior modification or permanent changes.


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