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tom-tom's Recent Entries

Safety net

by tom-tom

Decided to add this entry for safety's sake. In the event any of the work i am doing should have unforeseen or memory effecting side effects, this entry is my baseline for who i am at this point. i'll try to remember to check it often for unperceived and/or unwanted changes. - Male - Widowed after more than 20 years of marriage - In my 50's - 5'9" between 190 and 230 pounds - Straight sexual orientation though i admit to some bi/gay curiosity which i am not planning to put to the test - Normal endowment, no extremes - Unowned. See no reason to be 'virtually' owned - Fairly intelligent i've been told - Work in academia in the Southern US. Moving would mean loss of employment and is not under consideration - Live alone with just one pet, my dog Dingo - Not into pain, tattooing, branding, mutilation, or financial slavery - Not into pedophilia or bestiality - Former military so not a pacifist or anti-war activist in spite of being a moderate Libertarian - personal belief system but not organized religion, interested in studying nature beliefs such as wiccan, etc.


- LilJennie

This is a good idea, and IMHO more people should do this kind of thing.

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