slower resultsby tom-tomResults have slowed a lot since i went to more than one trigger and one training files in the playlist body. i still not progress, particularly in the housework department since i made additional modifications in the script file for it. Interesting to me that adding a female perspective to that increased its effectiveness. Novelty i suppose.
i have already noticed more and stronger submissive tendencies to my dates so that one is working, just slower than the first files did.
Except for progress noted in previous entries, and those mentioned above, i am not sure of any other noticeable results other than in the erection control department.
i did give the trighardon trigger to one of the ladies i date on occasion and it appears she has a practical joker side, in so far as to call me at work and trigger one for an hour or so. The side effect makes it imperative that i am alone at the end of the trigger time.