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MostlyHarmless' Recent Entries

About me

by MostlyHarmless

Hi Y’all For my first journal entry I thought I’d tell you a little about myself and why I’m here. I was born 31st of March 1965, and I’m happily married with two children. I am here for several reasons, my wife has panic attacks while driving, she deals with it using courage and medication and I would like to be able to help her with hypnosis if possible, so I’m here to learn hypnosis and use the resources here to help me help her. I also would like to help my wife open up a little sexually and expand her horizons. I would also like to expand my horizions and mind.


- pykoslave

May he rest with God in a cloud of logic and never be alone without a rubber duck.

- MostlyHarmless

May he always have his towel.

- jodysub

I just have to ask. Hitch hikers Guide or just a name by chance LOL. Hugs Kim Lynn

- Bonnie

Have fun and you will need to work at it at first but then it becomes easy. And don't be afraid relax and enjoy them file cause they do work.

- MostlyHarmless

Reply to jodysub: Yes it is.. Big fan of the works of Douglas Adams. "Here I am with a brain the size of a Planet and what do they have me to do...." Marvin

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