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piece_of_heavn's Recent Entries


by piece_of_heavn

Its been ages since I've had a chance to listen to any of EMG's files. Frankly, time got taken over by other little life problems. If only there was a way to force my child's idiotic sperm donor to listen and obey. Still, there's been a lull; a temporary reprieve from the craziness of day to day life. I've a new mp3 player, and while I don't think work would be keen on me listening to EMG's files while I'm at work, I'm definitely adding some. When I last listened to his files, I was getting some kind of success listening to a loop while I slept. My mind is always active, far more than it should be sometimes, I think. But there is still much I want to do and experience in life, and I just need to find the right edge to get me there.


- tom-tom

Good for you. Push on and good luck.

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