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vickieshorts' Recent Entries

Wandering Eyes

by vickieshorts

I have already worn my new women's running shoes everywhere, so today I tried them out at Walmart. I encountered two men who looked at me then my smooth legs and then turned away, no hint of distaste or rolling of eyes. But the second was a cashier who saw me walk up to the doors and then walk in, I could feel his eyes looking at me as I passed and then when he was checking me out "literaly". H paused to take a phone call all the while looking at my legs and women's shorts. They are really short and quess what? I haven't seen any other women or girls for that matter wearing them, its hot..what are they thinkinh, not to mention the men in thier blue jeans and boot! Me, I'm cool and comfortable. Vickie


- Cade

keep going vickie! you go girl!

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