vickieshorts' Recent EntriesNew Secretary?by vickieshortsLast night I dreamed I was at work but was wearing my black women's shorts and a white long sleeved dress shirt. I'm used to dreaming about me in wemon's clothes but this was different. I'm at work and bringing some reports to the desk of process control when out of the blue our new plant manager comes into the room. He immediately comes over and begins to discuss the load of papers he has with him. I can't get a word in edgewise and he leavesw as quickly as he came. I begin to look over the papers and see he wants a power point presentation, numerous memos and hand writen papers typed up. I quickly just open my laptop and bein to type, lucky I took typing in H.S. I then notice I'm surounded by at least 4 others, some are men as well as women. I guess I was mistaken for a secretary and expected to do the work, which I did. Along the way I overheard several men talking about a device I am well trained on and comented on it, they were schocked that i knew about it and gave them my 2 cents worth. I could see myself sitting at the tables and was aware my legs were open in a manly fashion and quickly closed closed them, they were now encased in a light tan hose and on my feet were a pair of high heels. I typed away feeling very smug about it all. I was dressed as a secretary although the shorts were a bit much but know one seemed to mind. When the boss came in he looked me and asked where the stack of papers were and I handed him the results of my labor. he looked at me and then at the papers. All were done it wasn't even luch time.
He commented to everyone in the room that the work I had done was three days worth.
Well the dream ended and ...