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candyellison's Recent Entries

Becoming a woman...finally!

by candyellison

Ok, to make a long story short...

I've been wearing women's clothes since I was 10. I started with pantyhose, and then quickly graduated to the extra clothes that my mother kept in a spare closet in my bedroom. I began going out fully dressed when I was 18, but only rarely. From 18 to 31 I'd get all dolled up and go out maybe 4 or 5 times a year, sometimes to clubs, and sometimes to meet up with guys for a night of damn good fucking! My time in the USMC and my relatives pretty much kept me from dressing up as much as I would've preferred. In 2005 I started listening (at least 3 times a week) to the CandyCD files. I got married a year ago to my best friend of 10 years, but I'd even kept my dressing a secret from her for all that time.

I tried to stop dressing up...didn't know how the wife would take it...but eventually had to go and buy a pair of hose to wear when I was alone. Of course, I couldn't stop myself from listening to my CandyCD files either. One night, I fell asleep while listening to the files. My wife came out of the bedroom in the middle of the night and took the earphones off of me and listened...and boy did I have a lot of explaining to do!

And that brings me to now. After discovering that I was listening to feminization hypnosis, and not the "stop smoking" files like I'd told her I was, we had a loooooooong and productive talk. It turns out that while I've always felt that I was supposed to be a woman, my wife had always felt that she was supposed to be a man! After talking about it a lot, we decided that if we were going to be getting the sex changes on down the road, we might as well start living as the genders that we were supposed to be.

For the past 4 months, my wife has been living as a man, and except for work, I've been the little lady of the house. My wife has it easier, as women can get away with wearing clothes of both genders without being thought a freak, but I had a harder time with it at first. I was scared about what other people would think about me when they saw me and realized that I was a guy, but you know what? I honestly don't give a fuck any more what anyone else thinks about the way I dress.

My wife encouraged me to start out wearing girl's jeans when we had to go out after work. After a few weeks, I didn't have a problem wearing them out in public...I even bought a pair of women's sandals with a noticeable heel, and was comfy wearing them after a few days. About a month after my wife and I "swapped" genders, we decided to go to the town lake for a little picnic lunch, and she wanted me to wear one of her pink baby t-shirts. A little apprehensive, I said okay. Ever since then, when I'm not at work, I'm dressed in one of my wife's girlie tops, and either girl's jeans (size 9 juniors!), hose and skirt, or a pair of black leggings and short shorts (I have sexy feminine legs, apparently). I wear make-up out in public when not working, but even at work I've taken to wearing nail polish a woman's watch, and panties...and though I've had a few questions thrown my way about it from my co-workers, nobody really seems to mind! Of course, I do live in redneck country here, so clocking in to work dressed in full femme is out of the question, but so far there haven't been any problems.

In case you're wondering, here's a list of the files that I listen to on a regular basis now: Shemale The CandyCD series Curse Hormone Change Curse Breast Growth and Instant Wetting...because I do fancy a golden shower every now and then or a wet pair of knickers!


- Polka

thanks for shareing this- Polka

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