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Subliminal Canine: I'm going to the dogs

by Dogboy

Reading the description of the Subliminal Canine file by Calimore I thought, “That would be a great file to do a journal for.” I wasn’t sure how well a subliminal would work, but after listening to the file for a couple of days I’m sure it is having an effect on me.

First a little background, the first file I ever tried on this site was Train Dog. The file ended up working well and this and a few others files helped me to allow myself to become very suggestible when it comes to hypnosis. I stop listening to the Train Dog file for a couple reasons not worth mentioning, and for a while I didn’t indulge in my desire to “be” a dog. TrigWerewolf got my attention for a while, the transformation was great, but after the transformation I was one bored wolf with nothing to do. A file for Christmas 2007, Trig Christmas Wolf was the next file. I barely had any time to listen to the file, but when I did I had some interesting wolf related dreams. After Christmas Wolf came Playing Dog, the excellent file by Floridapuppy. Playing Dog is an excellent, well made file that really made me feel like a dog and I highly recommend it. However the effects of the file are limited to when your listening to it and just after, and I got a little bored with it.

All these files I feel have allowed me to become very suggestible, especially when it comes to encouraging dog like behavior. Since there is some doubt on the effectiveness of subliminals I wasn’t sure what would happen. However its clear Subliminal Canine is working on me, no doubt helped by my suggestibility and desire for the file work.

Now, finally, my experience with Subliminal Canine. I’ve come to enjoy listening to the file, which probably could be mistaken for a Halloween sound effect CD. The most obvious effect on me is that I now pant like a dog sometimes. Occasionally without forcing myself to, I’ll let my tongue hang out of my mouth. One time I was doing it without even thinking about the fact I was doing it and I wondered what the hell that strange sound was. Than I realized it was me panting, really panting. (Meaning it didn’t sound like my normal breathing at all.) This effect wasn’t even this pronounced when I was in “full dog” in the files I mentioned above.

I have noticed two other effects of the file. I have an increased desire to walk on all fours, the desire comes and goes, but the desire is new and I feel comfortable down there. The other effect is I lift my leg when I pee. It something I’ve just started doing most of the time, and I haven’t found it uncomfortable at all. Considering none of this was happening before I began listening to the file, I say its been a success so far.


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