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Bonnie's Recent Entries


by Bonnie

IM starting to wonder if I should say good bye to my friends and this site sence IV started on hormones. I don't listen to the files much if any. I have listened with mon on her slut training at times and have gone under with her but I don't want to become a slut at this time. I will say I would not be her as I am with out these files cause they made my mind total female and that was the big factor of doctor More starting me on hormones. I will be for ever greatful for them for I have always thought of my self as a female in a male body and they have changed all that. IM total female in my mind and my body is well on its way of becoming a woman of my dreams.


- jodysub

We all move on as we grow. You can always come back. At this time you may need to find support for the other chalanges you will have to face. Loss of job, being rejected by people, getting everything in order with your paperwork and so much more is common to face. Hugs Kim Lynn

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