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MYTY90's Recent Entries

update #4

by MYTY90

OMG!!!! this is kinda big after listeing to this file for almost a week and im seeing bigger changes. I decided to go to the local gay bar yesterday and I had the greatest time of my life. I would have never thought of even going there but i did. danced with a bunch of guys and it felt so right. I cant help but think that changes are getting more and more real.... for my friend he has well changed big time he just dumped his gf he couldn't do it with her just got sick of the thought of it. We decided to continue this on our own then meet uo every so often to compare results....I think this is getting some where...


- iamli3

wtf again? not even a week and its already making do gay things and have an inabilaty to get aroused by and have sex with the oppossaite (<-wow.....really?......) sex?........ this make me very sad , well actualy it seems every posable aspect of this subject does so thats nothing new..........

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