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MacGyver's Recent Entries

facial hair

by MacGyver

umm, the can said to not use on the face but, i decided to forget what the can said and did it anyways, however, i do not recommend using veet on your face for facial hair, it will sting as the skin on your face is alot more sensitive than your legs and is also easily irritated by hair removal cream such as veet. so, unless you want your face irritated, dont try this, as i said in a previous entry, i would give it a go and let all know how it went, my face is not even smooth like my legs. so, i have guinea pigged this and posted results so hopefully you guys read this and do not try it for yourselves, and as always, veet has removed all hair from my legs, and if you stand up in the shower like i do, should some melt a bit and drip down onto your genitals, guys, veet will not make ya feels as if there is a torch under your balls but nair will burn if any comes in contact with your genitals, and yes, i do apply the hair remover that high up on my legs as i like my entire legs to be smooth from the feet to the hips/waist.


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