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Zealous' Recent Entries

I feel ill.

by Zealous

Files: Induction, Trainslave1, CurseShaving, CurseHormoneChange

And I feel ill too... I did most of these last night and the induction/curseShaving when I woke up to help... well... wake up. I feel pretty sick though. It's bothering the heck out of me cause I'm not sure if it's my seasonal allergies ALREADY or if I just caught something from the all the people I was around this weekend.

I wonder if the curses will work... it would be nice if my body did this stuff for me so I didn't have to spend the huge amount of money necessary... Sigh... money money... I'd listen to some more but I'm being pressured to go back to sleep and rest. I don't want to sleep anymore though! Sigh... but I can't help but do as I'm told as usual. Damn my submissive nature...

In case anyone is wondering... I look like this...
Picture1, Picture2


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