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poetzero's Recent Entries


by poetzero

I noticed it's been over a year since my last entry, so thought I'd briefly as possible update my progression with TrigWoman2. And let me tell you, it is significant. When triggered, I completely believe I'm a girl. All my maleness disappears. I can feel my breasts and pussy, really feel them. Although I haven't done it naked, but when I look in a mirror, I completely see a real woman. My face looks more feminine and I can't get over how my body looks. It makes me feel wonderful.

In the past year, I downloaded the two modified TrigWoman2 files made by Melody and Calimore. I listen to them alternately. My trances have gotten significantly deeper since then, thus the suggetions, I believe are more effective (natch). Kudos go out to both.

I now believe I can have any file work, even after one or two listens, due to how deep I can now go. I am very pleased. I still have a bit of a way for this file to be 100% (very close as it is) effective, but as with any file, especially the hallucinatory files, it takes repitition and plenty of patience.

Just thought I'd mention it's been over three years that I've been listenning to TrigWoman2


- Flow123

jealous!!! >.<

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