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MacGyver's Recent Entries

cursed clothing

by MacGyver

yep, you guessed it, i have given this one a bit more thought and am thinking i may include womens shapewear in the mess if i make the files. just imagine the possibilities, if a guy wanted to lose sme of his waist, then a waist cincher or corset could be used, if he wanted to work on his waist with his butt and hips, a highwaist shaping brief, but if the listener wanted to go for say, hips, thighs and butt, then a pantsliner, waist butt and breasts, a body breifer. if the listener wanted to go waist, butt, hips, thighs, and breasts, a long leg body briefer. if i make a shapewear curse file or set of files, which to me would sound a bit interesting, the listener would be cursed with mostly reduction, except for the breasts, they would grow to a snug or even tight fit in the cups, but like the waist, hiops, butt, thighs, where ever the "excess" is located, the mind would instruct the body to rid itself of the excess, the tighter the fit, the more the reduction, but, the listener wopuld also be cursed to wear that size and that size only until the results have been achieved, plus they may also give feedback on any results and forget they had done so, LOL but back to the cursed clothing idea, for example, if the user did not want their hips, thighs and butt to get over a certain size, the listener would have to wear the jeans until a tight fit and continue to wear those tight jeans for a while, as for the shoes, the feet would shrink as much as humanly possible for the listener's height, which is probably not much shrinkage but wearing weomens shoes that are just a bit snug on their feet after a few weks would lock in that size for the feet. any time the listener sees a woman they would consider to have a sexy looking figure, this would only help his mind to make the appropriate changes, even down to the shape and size of his calves. wearing womens shirts/blouses would also change his arms and hands and even the size and thickness of his fingers so that they are more like those of a woman. but these kind of files will take a bit of planning and writing down what each file would do, but in the case of a 100% change from male to female, it could take 2 years or more as the mind would be trying to change everything at once, and the changes would probably be alot more easily accomplished one at a time, or atleast one section of his body at a time.


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