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yep, corset

by MacGyver

yep, one came in the mail with my name on it so, guess i really did get myself another corset, this one seems to be a bit more snug, and i dont wear it for very long, maybe 10-20 minutes at the most. the way this corset feels, it is a good bit closer to the description in EMG's curse corset. the last one was a bit more pleasurable, this one kinda feels a bit like torture. so, now i am thinking that since i have heels and i have a corset, if i ever do go back to that file, well, i might not like the effects for the first 12 weeks or so.


- boitoy

Excellent! Don't you just love how it feels to wear a corset?

- MacGyver

well, i think an overbust corset is actually a bit more comfy than the underbust corset i have now, so, may just order me another overbust corset in the next few months when i have a bit more money. the trickis going to be finding an overbust corset made the same way as this underbust corset. however, with wearing this underbust corset, only a few minutes every few days, the spare tire around my waist seems to be getting softer, still about the same size but softer, so, maybe it is going to eventually help with weight loss, but if you get the right type of corset, they are rather comfortable, get the wrong type and they feel as if you are being tortured or something. it gets hard to breathe, and eventually ya might even feel as if you are about to be bent over a trashcan getting rid of whatever is in ya stomach, but the right type of corset wont make ya feel nautious, but, i got this one off the internet for a descent price, so i went with it.

- iamli3

^ l no i dont actualy , why is it nice? (i asume the clothing article i have in my head right now is what a corset is , it is an item in my castlevania porterat of ruin game........)

- MacGyver

just go to youtube.com and look for how to put on a corset. yes, some styles feel good and some feel like you are being tortured and make it hard to breathe. they are not all the same as victorian corsets made with whale bone. and from what i have heard and read, you do not want to be cinched up in one of those, be better off to go to some place like fredericks.com and get one has the shoulder straps and are the over-the-bust type, those just get snug and hold ya, kinda like being hugged while ya wearing it. and no dificulties breathing in it neither.

- iamli3

whale bone are you serious o.o??........ and (duh) i googled it and i was right to an extent of what a corset is , i imagened it a bit bigger , like with more clothing to fit yourself into , these are all inferiore (<-?) though >:D , cause they dont give you any armor boost.......... and like i says i woyld try 1 cause its a princaple of mine to say yes rather than no , but im prety sure aside from just trying it i wouldn't like it cause i like flexabilaty and freedome and all that............. thanks for actualy giving me some replys btw o.o , maybe theres hope for me on this site after all.........

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