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MYTY90's Recent Entries

Update #13 CSS

by MYTY90

Well it's been 2 months now and I can say that i love the changes that have happened to me.....I can say i was like every body else when i started to listening to CSS...I would delete it the download it over and over.....but not any more I have acceppted what ahs happened and wouldnt want to change it ......I am sitting in a lovely school girls outfit and it feels great......I really recomend this file for those of you who want a big change in a big way..... XOXO Jane


- Flow123

Jane... I'm pretty jealous >.< i couldnt do what you did...

- hypnostudent

I bet you could Flow. You just need the right kind of motivation and encouragement. Jane found hers.

- iamli3

again just because i wouldint mind giving any of this a shot (if i were able to , WHICH IM NOT) , but my curent life situation wouldnt really alow me (very discuraged feeling just hit , that happens when i talk about myself on this subject.......) to do any of this , and all this would make me more subseptable to my 1 idiot friend and that would be a very bad thing indeed >_> ........

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