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Day 4 afternoon - more fun with email slave

by demigraff

Yesterday afternoon, I got another email :)

You enjoy not resisting, watching commands break your limits is interesting.

You want to reinforce e-mail slave to see how strong it and it's effects can get.

This is one you , you must put on panties as soon as it's safe to trigger princess file.

This is another you , you will want to put the original princess file in your list, you feel far too curious to find out if the 'curselike' suggestions could effect you after repeated use.

You won't reread this e-mail but know Holly will PM you a list of the commands after 24 hours, including ones that you couldn't conciously recall.

There's also some commands that I can't see. I know that much, but (with the guarantee that she'll let me know today) I'm not concerned enough to try guessing. I did a quick scan of my imperatives, but none of them felt noticably foreign, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I was quite intrigued by the first one - it is indeed fun to see how far my limits (the soft ones, anyway) can be pushed. Before this, we'd had quite a long chat about how I think, and I think these ones do a wonderful job of working with my motivations and stuff. So I'd be very surprised if they weren't highly effective.

I was happy enough to test the second instruction - testing the efficacy of email slave on me was the purpose behind this experiment. So it seems only logical that listening to it more would enhance the experiment. Does that chain of reasoning stand up in the mind of someone who isn't under that suggestion?

So, with a little effort, I engineered a situation where I wouldn't be disturbed for a couple of hours, so I could loop the email slave file. The plan was to alternate between that body, and a series of different inductions. The first induction up would be the Pacifier induction, another one by hellion0 (whose voice seems to really get into my head), which I could actually try out because I'd finally remembered about it while I was in town, and managed to buy a pacifier.

I locked the attic door, queued up the files on my phone, and got comfortable. Then I had a thought; while I had some privacy, I may as well try on some of my fiancée's panties (which were conveniently hanging up to dry in the attic). After all, my friend had asked me to test-trigger the princess file that morning, and I wasn't likely to get another moment of privacy that day.

[For anyone who doesn't know, the Princess file is "Panty-Wetting Princess" by hellion0. Its supposed to trigger you to pee whenever you wear panties (which isn't really my thing, but I'm willing to try), make you feel like a little girl (which works for me - I'd love to feel 2-4 years old again), and make you addicted to wearing panties (which would disrupt my life enough that I edited it out of the file)]

So I put on a pair of panties, giggling a little at how cute they were, with a cartoon character on the front. Just like the previous test, I immediately knew that the file wouldn't be able to make me wet myself, because I had more self-control than that. I helped myself to a large glass of cola, thinking that it'd be no fun to "resist" the file just because my bladder is empty. I wanted to give it a fair chance to work. But I knew that when I needed to go, I could just go to the bathroom, the file couldn't take that choice away from me.

As soon as I thought that, I realised that I hadn't repeated the file enough. (Oops, trigger - that file includes a safety clause to prevent it wearing off; if you think about using the toilet while you're wearing panties, it gives you the urge to listen again immediately. This kind of slipped my mind until afterwards). I took the panties off, told my friend on IRC that I needed to listen to the princess file some more, but not to worry, I'd stick to her advice and keep the safe edited version.

I queued up the pacifier induction and panty wetting princess (edited - body). I got my pacifier out of its hiding place, checked the door was locked, and signed off my chat program. Then, a last minute change of plan, I decided I'd try the un-edited version of the file one more time, to prove that I can still resist the curse part. Lie down, press play.

That was the most amazing induction I ever felt. I've felt a little thing before, where the 'tist says you'll go "twice as deep" with each number they count down, and it feels like a wave of helplessness washing over you. Well, with the pacifier file, I was feeling that with every suck. I didn't remember the file at all beyond "your feet are feeling heavy".

I woke up, popped onto IRC to enthuse about how great that file was. I'm not really sure, to be honest, whether that wasn't at least partly due to the first suggestion in the email file, about not resisting. In either case, its something I'd love to feel again. I asked the people online if they thought I should try it again, make the file even stronger, or if I should test triggering myself first. The answer was to repeat the file, so I did, this time with Pacifier Induction 2. I found it quite uncomfortable, and not as 'deep' as the first one, though I still can't remember the words.

So then I tried on my panties again. I guess the file was working quite well, it felt really comfortable and twice I caught myself saying I was "a big girl", and hastily corrected it. I have to say, feeling like a little kid is one of my favourite dreams. Its a pity that files like X Girl Time are for age 5+, and all the ABaby ones are for, well, babies. This is a nice file for me, because its aimed somewhere nicely in-between, which is my favourite target for feeling younger. Pity the file has to include wetting your panties, and all the associated cleaning up.

On the chat, my friend asked if the file had made me wet myself. I responded angrily and aggressively that of course it didn't, I'm a big girl and I only pee when I want to. Hastily corrected the 'girl' bit. My friend found this amusing, which got me (in my bratty princess mood) even more annoyed. She said something implying that I wouldn't be able to control myself. I responded that I am a big girl, I can do whatever I want, and no file controls me, I pee exactly when and where I want. I decided to prove this point by peeing right then and there, prove that my bladder was full and yet I'd still managed to hold it in all the time we were talking.

Yeah, its a silly train of thought, probably one that would only make sense to an annoying little kid. Still, cleaning up is a small price to pay for the opportunity to see the world through different eyes.

In the evening, I decided to make a proper go of reinforcing the email slave file. So instead of a random playlist, I had a "induction-body-body, induction-body-body" list, with each pair of bodies being 2 from Email Slave, Train Susceptible and Panty Wetting Princess (the original, but only until I've proved my point about resistance). I listened from about 11:30 until 5am, though I have no idea how much of that time I was asleep for.

Which brings me up to this morning (day 5, I guess) ... waiting eagerly to see if another email pops up, and also dying with anticipation as I wait for the other instruction(s) in that last one to pop up and surprise me.


- demigraff

Wouldn't it be great if this thing allowed paragraphs ...

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