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Interesting discovery with email slave

by demigraff

This afternoon, I saw an email entitled "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE". I glanced at the content (mostly instructions to post naked pics and similar). I thought "eww, that's sick", then shrugged and forwarded it to someone who might be a friend.

I've got the catch-all mailboxes for a number of domains, so its not exactly rare for me to see friends' emails when someone mistypes an address. Looking at the recipient and moving it into the right mailbox is second nature.

But it surprises me that I didn't feel any obligation to read the instructions, or even any need to resist it. Is that likely to be because my subconscious objects to the suggestions? Or because the file only applies to email that was sent to me? Any guesses?

I also need to get around to figuring out why someone else is registering accounts on one of my mailservers - so might not have quite so much time to play tonight


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