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Too much success

by demigraff

I think now I've lost count of the days I've been listening to files for. I tried Pacifier Induction again since I last posted, and it completely knocked me out again. It felt wonderful, being aware of nothing but the voice.

Then I wanted to find a body to put with it. I asked my fiancee to pick for me, so she'd not feel left out of my obsession. I didn't really care about the body, as my interest is in the feeling of trance itself. I just want something to listen to so that feeling continues. While I was setting up a list for her to choose from, I accidentally hit play on the body for Diaper Dependance. The words "Deeper and deeper" come out of the speakers, and I'm gone. I was under for over an hour, during which time I remember a few stray lines, so I know I listened to Panty Wetting Princess, and BabyRelease.

After having such a sudden and irresistable trance, just off a couple of words, my curiosity wouldn't let me go without seeing if the triggers worked. Apparently babyrelease did, so I have to not listen to that again. The trigger didn't, though.

Since then, I tried a few files a few times. Pacifier Induction is hitting me a little less now, I remember quite a bit from the beginning of the file before I start to feel anything. Previously, I was getting to where the baby "begins to relax, and eventually sleeps" before my mind went away.

The Breakneck Induction is spectacularly effective for me now, though. Don't know if that'll fade too before long. But either induction, the one that takes a while or the one that hits me straight away, has a bit of a problem. I'm going too deep. I do this because I enjoy the feeling of trance, as hard as it is to find. But now, I'm going so deep, once I'm under I don't remember a thing. I'm not experiencing that lovely relaxation any more.

Any suggestions what I can do?


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