New experiecnesby DogboyI have continued listening to the file and experienced a few new things. I have not only wanted to chase and growl at animals around my house I have considered them potential food. Once or twice my mouth even watered at the thought. Another time I tried chasing a rabbit but it quickly disappeared under the surrounding brush. Another day I had a dream where I was hunting like a wolf and running around on all fours.
Around the full moon I had a strong urge to howl at it, a few days afterwards I let out two or three howls that couldn’t be restrained any longer. I don’t think I howl a realistic howl though.
I doubt there are suggestions in Subliminal Canine that relate to this but I just couldn’t resist getting the Jands Zeta Fantasy 1(Male & Female Dog) file when it was on sale. I like the file, while the file only focuses on changing your genitals it still made me feel like a dog having sex with another dog. The file does encourage being attracted to bitches (I like the line that says my body is made to mount and mate with female dogs) which has given me embarrassing thoughts of varying degrees relating to me and female dogs..
My changes seem to have slowed, with some of it feeling normal and no longer new, which dampens the excitement some what. It’ll still be interesting to see where it goes.