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Miko? previewed a file.

by equinox13

today i previewed a file from Krysta. i'm still trying to sort out the feelings, but it felt a lot better and a lot deeper than i've even been able to get in deep meditation. it was like being perpendicular to the entire world and being wrapped up in an increasing amount of space between me and the rest of the world. as the feeling of relaxation started i put up my mental bubble to help me go under so that may have had a hand in it. as for the file - i remember only a little of it. i remember a woman - black straight hair, just past shoulder length, her bangs cut straight across casting a shadow over her dark eyes, pale skin, red lips. her body was trim and athletic. i know she's me, or became me, or i became her... her... my.. name is Miranda. there were some other things said in the file, but i couldn't make them out and i don't know what they were. i talked to Krysta afterwards - it took me a few minutes to convince myself i wanted to move so it was a few minutes. she had me say her... my... Miranda's name 3 times. it felt relaxing almost like i had let out a mental sigh. i will be listening to this file again, and i definitely can't listen to it in bed - i need to sit up. edit - it's been a couple hours now and i can barely remember the experience except for the memory of being distant from the world. i don't remember what her voice sounded like or what she said at all without trying really hard. i guess i could blame my bad memory on that...


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