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Another email from watcher0707

by werepuppy

I got home and found a big pink card on my bedroom floor. I had to right an email saying what I did, so here is the emeail.

I saw your big card, and straight away I knew I have to impress you how good I am. I have to get you to respect me, so you can see properly how well I behave. I took off my trousers and put on a really short latex skirt, so you can see my pretty panties when I bend over to pick up your card, and then you will respect me. I tried to pick up the card, I bent over and kept my legs straight like a good girl, and I knew you were watching me. I pulled as hard as I cn but I couldn't get it to move. I know I did wrong, making you see my ass like that, but I don't know what to do.
I tried kneeling to pick it up, like I had to do with the ones in the ofice, but that wasn't right either. I have to get you to respect me so you don't think I'm a slut, so I stood up and bent at the waste again, making sure my skirt lifts up so you can see my pretty white panties properly, see the shape of my ass as I use both hands to pull on the card, swaying from side to side and I tried different holds but it still didn't work.
Please tell me what I must do for pick up this card?
And the email slave email that I must obeyed:
Again, the contents of this file are what you MUST DO without questioning or even recalling my instructions. You remember how it made you feel to obey my first file and you feel eager to obey this new file as well. You have done as you were told and finished the lesson with the pink cards. You feel that, eventually, you got the task right and now, bending over and sticking your bum out feels more natural than ever. Still, in a way you know that it is embarassing to do that all the time. But as you grow more and more used to bending over for the tiny pink cards, you will notice that soon they are all gone. It will disappoint you a little, but at least you will know that you have learned something. Now the next time you are safely at home you will find something new happening. In the middle of your bed room there will be another card, also pink. But that time it will be a big one. And you will know that it has not been dropped there accidentally, but that it has been placed there on purpose. You will feel that obviously someone wants you to show off your bum when you bend over for it. There will be no doubt that you are expected to obey especially eagerly that time. You will feel like the person who made that big pink card appear, might somehow be watching you pick it up. You feel that person's stare. It will not scare or startle you, because you will know that you are supposed to feel that way. But somehow it will be clear to you that this time, you will be thoroughly watched. There will be expectations and you will have to meet them. This might feel embarassing for a while. You might even try to ignore the big pink card on your bedroom floor for a few minutes. But again, you will grow curious and excited by it. Soon you will know that there is no avoiding it. When you understand that, you will go for it. May may try to put on a brave face, but the shame of being controlled and watched like you are, even in your own home, will embarass you. But there will be no choice. You will find yourself slowly bending over for the big pink card, desperately hoping for it to say something nice. As you try to pick it up, you will however realize something is wrong. The card will stick tightly to the floor. You will try for a few minutes to peel it off, but it will be no use. You will know that in your growing efforts to pick up the card, you will be watched the whole time. You will just feel those stares on your backside while you desperately try to grab the pink card and read it. Frustrated, you will give up after a few minutes. You will then know that you have no choice but to ask me for help via email. You will feel sorry for not having behaved like a good girl and you will try to convince me that you have really tried your best, describing me how you stuck out your bum obediently and wiggled it around while trying to get a hold of the big pink card. You will ask me for help because if you don't, you will know that the big pink card is there to stay. The thought of never discovering what is written on it will feel unbearable to you. You will also post your email that you sent me on your journal. You will need to obey all of the instructions in this email. you MUST DO what you are told and you know that you love to obey. You knwo that I will make you do things whose humiliation you enjoy and that Angel will only let you read it when it is okay. Knowing that, obeying this email will be the most natural thing to do. You will forget what is written in this email, but you will carry it out with great effort. You know that you want to be a good girl and that you MUST DO what you are told. You will acknowledge having read and understood this email by mailing me the reply "Thank you for teaching me again".


- demigraff

I'm a little nervous about this one ... it sounds quite heavily tied in to your earlier email from naughtyemailslave, which I think you may still be obeying. Certainly the "desire to be respected" thing is paying off.

If you're not comfortable with this, please let me know.

- werepuppy

This is horrible, I keep on wanting to turn that card over, and I can't, and I want to go to bed for an early start, but I can't, and just have to keep waiting to get an email back.
If I don't get an email back from him by 10, can somebody please just send me one so I can gt to sleep without keep needing to do this?

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