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MacGyver's Recent Entries


by MacGyver

well, measured my calves today, they measure a flat 17 inches around the widest section, also did my feet today seein as they dont look right and my work boots are feelin a bit loose, the balls of my feet are a flat 4 inches wide and from heel to toe, 10 1/2 inches long. march 17 this year, calves 17 3/4, today, 17, 3/4 inch loss in mass, march 17 balls of feet 4 3/8 inches, today 4 inches, 3/8 inch loss, march 17 heel to toe 10 3/4 to 10 7/8 today, 10 1/2 inches for a loss of 1/4-3/8 inches. yep, when i look at the numbers, i dont think i am seein things when it appears my feet and calves are slowly shrinking, looks like it is actually happening. my other measurements though are still unchanged.


- iamli3

(first comment , from here ill be reading the rest) i thought hypnosis was only supposed to change things in the mind not induce physical changes , even with horimone stuff i was told that its still all just in your head , you sure your just not eating less? cause like , changes in foot size i think was 1 of the things you were listing off getting smaller would mean the bone structutre would need to be changing/shrinking w/e too , i just dont see how thats posable in this scenario , unless by some messed up logic ones body can reshape its matter into w/e form it can if the indavidual cells were told to do so and thats kinda whats happening here........

- MacGyver

Comment By: carsh (Posted on 08-10-2009 @ 03:03 am) Comment: You may have already said somewhere but what files are you listening to for you to have that shrinkage just about every femme file that is either free or premium.

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