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Convention weekend

by werepuppy

I'm at a big con this weekend, so wont be online again probably until tomorrow, I just read my messages and I got this one that I'm obeying:

You have received an email command before, that forced you to decide to wet yourself. This was humiliating, so you know there's already a link in your mind, between your embarrassment and the time an email command made you have a little accident. You've already discovered that when you wet yourself, it is a natural response to blush, to feel embarrassed. So as you read this email, it will become easier to accept the natural relationship between these two feelings, as they are already connected in your mind.

From now on, whenever you begin to feel yourself blushing, it will naturally remind you of other embarrassing experiences you've had, and will bring back to your mind the feeling of your bladder beginning to loosen. Whether its a time your master commanded you to pee, or an email you have obeyed due to the email slave file, or it might be a situation you just imagined or read about, or a memory from your childhood. But you can remember a time you have had an accident, and you can recall that feeling whenever you are embarrassed. Think of the muscles you clench when you need to hold it, focus on those muscles, and imagine feeling them start to relax.

Every time you feel yourself blushing in the next few days, from now on, you will also feel those muscles starting to relax a little. You must do this, every time you blush until you have wet yourself at least once. And the more you blush, the more intensely embarrassed you are, the more you know those muscles will relax.

If you are somewhere safe, and nobody who matters will see, you will find that once your blush reaches a certain point, when you are feeling as humiliated as you can imagine, you will be completely unable to hold any pee in your bladder, those muscles will let go completely, and you will wet yourself. You must do this, you will find that your muscles don't respond, and the harder you try, the harder you will find it to resist this or any future command from the email slave file.

If there are people around like friends or colleagues, who don't know about the side of you which enjoys hypnotic humiliation, you will not wet yourself. You will just feel those muscles relaxing, and believe that if you blush just a bit more, you would be at risk of wetting yourself helplessly. And even as you blush more, you will simply become more and more convinced that you are right on the verge of peeing, and your embarrassment will make you more and more susceptible to the email slave trigger.

It is only when you are safe that intense blushing will actually take away your bladder control, but you will always feel like the possibility is there. This command, and all the commands in this email, is something you must do for at least one day, and until this email has made you wet yourself. Once it has happened, you can remember this email, and you can choose whether it will continue to affect you. But even after these other suggestions end, every single time you blush, you will find the email slave suggestion, and any other triggers your master wants you to respond to, get stronger in your mind as if you had just listened to those files. Every time you blush, you will think of the email slave file, and its suggestion will get stronger as if you had just listened to it.

Now think about the times you have been embarrassed and humiliated before, and the times you have obeyed a command to pee, and let the connection I have described form so completely in your mind. Find this connection getting stronger until this email has made you wet yourself, when you can make a choice.

At the same time, think about the times you have obeyed an email command, and the times you have felt embarrassed, or found yourself blushing. From now on, every time you blush or feel embarrassed, the email slave suggestion will get stronger as if you had just listened to it again.

Then, if this is the first time you have read this email, read over it again, and realise just how reasonable this connection is, and how easy and automatic it will be for your mind to obey.
and one from Dave Cromwell I have to wait until I'm at home, another one from Dave I think I'm going out in mudkip costume today
What you will do is you will pick one of your new costumes you got and put it on when you have a place to change. You will then for the next hour still be able to talk and function, but will also act like the costume you are wearing. Such as with princess you will act like her, with punk cat will act like that, etc. You will also write me back describing the costume you decided on and if you could write back telling me about the experience and if you liked it.
I sent myself one and I cant remember it yet so I know I got it, but I think I cant obey yet
You are going to find yourself using up the nappies you have bought, any that are left. You must do this until the packet is empty. When you go out to work each mourning, as long as there's some left you will put 2 or 3 in your bag. You won't see anything out of the ordinary in this, you will just want to have some with you. You can take more if ou want, but as long as you have some you have to take at least one whenever you go out.

When you go to the bathroom, at work or anywhere else you are out, you will remember the nappies in your bag. If there are none left, this email won't affect you. But if there's one there, you must do this. You will put on a nappy, and then put your clothes back over the top. What happens next epends on your clothes.

If what you are wearing covers your nappy, so people looking at you would probably not notice, you will forget that you went into the bathroom to wee or to poo, you will think that having put your nappy on that is all you needed. Then once you get back to you're desk, you sit down and immediately remember that you need to go. You won't be able to hold it any more, you will go in your nappy straight away, as soon as you sat down. Then you can go back to the bathroom to clean up.

Or if your clothes today are too revealing and you can't safely go out in your nappy, you will forget that you put it on. You will sit don and use the toilet as normal, completely forgetting that you are wearing a nappy until you are done.

You will do this every time you go to the bathroom until there are no more nappies in your bag. You will make sure there are nappies in your bag every morning until you have none left.
and one from James Doscher I'll have to obey tonight
When fall asleep, you MUST DO the following, arms slowing rise to the top of the bed, and become handcuffed to the bed, when you wake up, you'll believe they are handcuffed to the bed, and you'll see the handcuffs

They be handcuffed for 15 minutes, during which you will become very horny

You'll be freed after the 15 minutes and reply back Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
And another one just arrived I'm going to obey, probably right now I'll go to the loo
For today you're going to find you get confused between a couple of small rooms. You'll be confused between the toilet and an elevator. Every time you go to the bathroom today, you'll stand in the cubicle for a few seconds wondering why it isn't going up, before you realise why your really there. Then, after you did this a few times, the next time you are in an elevator on your own you get confused the other way. You'll do this so easily because you already got used to letting this file confuse you the other way. As soon as you're in the elevator alone, you will squat in the corner and take a crap in your pants. Itll feel like its completely normal to do, until the elevator stops and you realize wht you did.


- demigraff

Sounds like a lot of fun this weekend :)

- demigraff

And wait until you see your new challenge from Watcher 07 :) Its pretty twisted, and I think you'll love seeing if you can out-think the little tricks in it.

You got another one from Night Mayor, too, but its convention-specific and you probably won't get it in time.

- werepuppy

I read it. Kind of freaky, I'm not sure what else to write.

This weekend, anybody you see in costume will be your perfect body underneath. You will see your face, and your size, like you described in the email about your perfect body, under the costume. You will still be able to recognise the person if you know them, but everybody you see will look like yourself or your perfect body dressed in a different costume

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