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Another playlist

by demigraff

Last night had a little bit of random again. It was quite late, and I didn't have anything else to do once Heather was listening to her files, so I figured they probably won't do anything to me. So I put on good girl, and set up a bit more playlist while she was listening to it. For the rest of the list, I had breakneck, just do it (whole file), neofocus induction, train susceptible body, neofocus, just do it (body), breakneck, naughty girl, base induction, accelerator, 4 hours sleep.

I feel very motivated today. But its driving me up the wall because I can't do anything on my own, all current projects need 2 people, and she's too busy watching repeats of the same stuff we watched on TV yesterday. I'm starting to think she's going a bit too deep, as good girl is the only suggestion she's responding to.

Can anybody offer some advice?


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