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klittykitty's Recent Entries

my hypno file

by klittykitty

MUST DO From now on, whenever you receive an email to trigger this email slave trigger and have completed all of its suggestions, you will post a journal entry on WarpMyMind. This will happen every time that you receive one of these emails from now on. It is not something you can control, or resist. You don't want to resist. You want everyone to be able to see what happens to you. In each journal entry you will describe what happened to you because of each email in as much detail as possible, and you will also copy and paste the original email's contents into your journal. If the emails had any sections labelled MUST DO, you will copy and paste them, but you will NOT be able to see them, or remember them in any way. You will take great enjoyment in documenting everything that happens to you. You want to document everything in vivid detail. Once you have finished reading this email, you will post a journal entry on WarpMyMind, in this journal entry you will ask people to send you triggering emails, and tell them that you will post the results of every email they send on your journal. Each time you write a journal entry, you will want to document your adventures more and more, you will love to tell everyone about what happens to you. Also, from now on, you will listen to the email slave file three times daily to allow its effects to sink deeper and deeper until you cannot resist these emails at all. You enjoy receiving these emails, and you want to obey them. You cannot resist it at all. You will listen to the file once when you wake up, before you get out of bed, once when you go to bed, just before you go to sleep. You will listen to it one other time at some point during the day. If this is the first time you have read this email, go back to the top and read it again, allowing its effects to sink deeper and deeper into your subconscious. This is a permanent change to your behavior, and you want to accept it more and more. Reply to this email and tell me "I will do as you have commanded, thank you for helping me to share my experiences with everyone." please send me hypno files i will do everything they say and i will document my experiences on this journal i am listening to email slave now and i will do anything they say klittykitty123@yahoo.com


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