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naughtyjeanette's Recent Entries

email from angel

by naughtyjeanette

I do not yet know what this does but boy does it make me nervous *g*

You know you've been waiting for an email from me. You enjoyed finding out just how obedient you can be already, and you might find that all that imaginary humiliation has left you craving the real thing. It will be so easy to obey this message, then, as this is your new hypnofile and this might be the message you've been waiting for. You will know as soon as you finish reading this email that it is going to make you wet yourself. You remember how good it felt to have that control taken away before, and you will be both humiliated and excited to find it taken away again. You will know that this email will make you wet yourself completely helplessly, that you must do this, but you will have no memory of when this will happen, or what will make it happen. You will just be sure that at some time in the next day or two, I am going to make you pee. You will find yourself anticipating it, knowing that it is going to happen. And you will start to feel a little naughty about having remembered part of the suggestion. The longer you go before this email makes you pee, you will feel more and more naughty, and find yourself looking forward to it more and more. As you go about your day, you will find yourself fantasising about when or how it might happen, and becoming more and more excited. Sooner or later, you will start wondering though why it hasn't happened yet. You might even start to think that thinking about this suggestion so much could have stopped it working. This won't happen, because the more you anticipate my suggestions, the more you find yourself helpless to remember the trigger, the more it will turn you on and the more obedient you will become to my words. In fact, the naughty feeling you get from worrying whether this email will work, will just make it even easier not to resist when it happens. Sooner or later, you will need to tell me that it hasn't happened yet. Maybe it will be tonight, or maybe tomorrow. But you will have to tell me, tell me how naughty you have been by remembering part of my email. You will be very embarrassed about this, feeling naughty for having remembered, and you may try to tell me this email isn't working without letting me know that you remember part of what it does. But you won't be able to lie, and you will have to answer any question I ask. Your feelings of naughtiness will just make it even harder to try to resist. And you will find that as soon as you tell me that you expected this email to make you pee, or that you want this email to make you pee, you will find yourself letting go immediately. All the anticipation will have made you even more helpless, and you won't have any chance to resist at all, it will happen before you even realise. And the naughtiness, and the embarrassment at remembering, will excite you more than you ever believed possible. As you find yourself peeing helplessly, the embarrassment will push you over the edge and you will orgasm immediately, either when you start peeing, or as soon as you stop. Your helplessness, and complete obedience, will make you feel so wonderful. Now, if you remember anything but that this email will make you pee, you should go back and read it again, finding it harder to resist and easier to forget with every word.


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