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naughtyjeanette's Recent Entries

Email from erik fiddler

by naughtyjeanette

For the next 24 hours every person you see will make you twice as horny as you were before you saw that person. If you are not horny when you see somebody then you will become very horny. You will be completely unable to masturbate for the first 15 hours. If anybody notices and asks you about it you will tell them "I'm really horny because of the blue sky." You will not orgasm until the 24 hours are up. Also the hornier you get the more ghosts you will see. They will be trying to seduce you. After you orgasm the ghosts will disappear. You will not remember getting this email until after you orgasm.

I must say this really makes things worse for me.... I feel like I am about to helplessly play with myself but i can not. Also I have tried using the lick and suck triggers..... hmmmm

but i can not for the life of me achieve a climax. this is torture!!!


- equinox13

erik - sorry for doing what i did - i couldn't just sit there and watch her torture herself like she was. i hope you like the comeuppance that i threw in though.

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