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naughtyjeanette's Recent Entries

Trying to have breakfast but...

by naughtyjeanette

Just wanted to prepare a little breakfast and, well, I began this morning by wetting the panties I had been sleeping in. I figured I'd be able somehow to cross that line on the floor but I found immidiately that I didn't stand a chance. As soon as I stepped over it I concentrated on not losing control but at the same second felt my bladder relax and helplessly peed where I stood. I shrieked and ran for the bathroom but it wasn't entirely clever to do so because I left a trail of droplets along the way and now I have to clean up before having breakfast. Strangely enough wehn it happened I was a little disappointed for not having managed to avoid it. I felt helpless and wanted to trick the pink line even more. I will have to try and figure something. or I am afraid I will be punished.I want to prove that I am a big girl who doesn't go potty in her panties so I am resisting the urge to purchase diapers (yes, that possibility actually occured to me) and putting on my big girl clothes. I'll show you!


- naughtyjeanette

I figured something that I seem to remember vaguely from one of puppy's posts. That pink line I saw i not really drawn on the floor but it consists of little pink cards of some kind. I just picked one of them up and they are not even attached to the floor. Also they read "good girl" which is still one of my favourite triggers because it just makes me feel good. Also there is the world "push" but I don't get that. Shall I push those notes aside? I tried that and it did not work. They were suddenly glued in place. The only way to get rid of them is to pick them up so I guess I wil do that so that I can get to my pantry without wetting my panties. After all, I am a big girl who doesn't go potty in her panties and I am fairly proud of it *g*

- werepuppy

Hehe ^_^ Its good to know you're a big girl. With all thse emails about wetting yourself, somebody might start thinking you'r a baby.

Maybe if you go potty in your panties again now you've figured out the trick, the punishment will be that you have to wear nappies for a while.

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