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Hank01's Recent Entries

Not Going to Give UP

by Hank01

I have been listening to some files now for many months and am getting depressed that nothing seems to be really working. Oh yeah, my nipples are more sensitive but I'm not sure if that is because of the files I listen to, or the fact that I'm also pumping them on a regular basis. I would love to have any file that says that my genitalia will grow huge work for me. I've tried so many different ones and there is definitely no results there. I have fallen in love with the Agony/Ecstacy files. They are fun to listen to, but again, when I do the self trigger, neither of them are working. I've read so many of the forums on here and really looked into what everyone has to say. I keep a positive attitude when I listen to the files, as I have read that many times. I get myself comfortable, count backwards sing a song in my head, keep telling myself to relax, count my breathing all during the induction parts and still nothing really seems to work. I'm beginning to feel like P.T. Barnum's "sucker". I so want something to happen, have tried everything I can think of to do and still, nothing works. I have started downloadiong subliminals and run them as I fall asleep at night. I am assuming that subliminals are effective when your mind is working on something else. I hope that is what it is. I then listen to the same files in the morning when I'm still real groggy and not thinking about the day yet, usually about an hour before I get up. I wish I could figure out what was happening, it is beginning to depress me that nothing seems to be working. I paid good money to belong to this site and to be able to download anything I want. I'm on here almost every night, determined NOT to give up. It is too bad that I couldn't meet someone in person, like EMG, or any of the rest for like one session to teach me/help me go into a trance and allow the files to work. I think once I was on the right track, there would be no stopping me. For now, I guess I'll just keep plugging away. I wish there was someone on here who understood and could relate and start a email relationship with and tell me what he has done to become succcessful. I get so bummed out when I read comments on some of the files saying that they have listened to a particular file only once and had great results. I'm almost thinking that they are just saying that to keep the rest of us fools going. I am almost always a positive person and I hate having those thoughts. Oh well....


- livelonger8

Hey! One of my successes was falling into a trance unconsciously. That is, I fell into a trance like I would fall asleep - I would let go completely. It isn't the most comfortable trance but it worked - it should have disabled my analytical mind, allowing for suggestions to take affect, and furthermore, altering my belief systems to prevent the analytical mind when active from occluding the suggestion when sensed. The orgasm file had worked the first time when I was in an unconscious state - I was slipping deeper, higher and then lower again (almost as if I was falling asleep, waking back up and falling asleep). I hope this helps and my email is blue_space87@live.com if you wish to discuss anything related to hypnosis :)

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